PfSense 1.2.3. Update web proxy, squidGuard and LightSquid

  • 12 Oct 2012
  • pfSense, Squid

1. Go to "Installed packages" under System -> Packages

2. Remove SquidGuard and Squid by clicking on the X icon at the right from the table

3. Login to pfSense from console and enter option 8 (Shell)

Search for squid configuration and cached files doing:

find / -name "squid*"

Remove them all

rm -fR /var/db/squidGuard
rm -fR /tmp/squidguard_*
rm -fR /var/log/squid*
rm -fR /usr/local/etc/squid*
rm -fR /tmp/squidGuard*
rm -fR /var/squidGuard
rm -fR /var/squid

(can take a long time)

You can check the progress opening another shell and doing:

du -sh /var/squid

4. Go to "1.2.3-RELEASE packages" under System -> Packages and install "squid". Be patient...

5. Go to Services -> Proxy server, configure basic items, and save. Now, your squid should be running... Check from Status -> Services

6. Now, install SquidGuard from "1.2.3-RELEASE packages".. in the same way that installed squid.

7. After this message:

Installation completed.   Please check to make sure that the package is configured from the respective menu then start the package.

Go to status -> services and check if squidGuard is running

8. Go to services -> Proxy filter

9. Goto Blacklist and click on Download

You'll see this log:

Begin blacklist update
Start download.
Download archive
Download complete
Unpack archive
Scan blacklist categories.
Found 74 items.
Start rebuild DB.
Copy DB to workdir.
Reconfigure Squid proxy.
Blacklist update complete.

10. After that, copy the file /usr/local/www/sgerror.php to an external web server width php support. Test if you can open this page in a browser: http://your_server/sgerror.php?url=403%20Error&a=%a&n=%n&i=%i&s=%s&t=%t&u=%u

11. Now, is time to configure the redirection... Goto common ACL and select ext url redirect (enter URL) on field redirect mode.

On redirect info, paste your link.

Denied access to some site categories, like anonvpn, hacking, remotecontrol, spyware, tracker, warez... And allow the default access.

At target categories You can create your own site category. These categories will be displayed at common acl and groups acl

For each category You can set whitelist, deny or allow. If you want to allow a particular domain or url from a denied category, You have to create a new target category including these destinations and set this to whitelist. For example, if you have set blk_BL_movies to deny but you wish to allow, you've to create a target category containing (as doamin) and then set it to whitelist.

Now, you can create all the groups acl as you want. Settings on common acl will be applied after the groups acl rules. Remember: the category set as whitelist can't be denied later.

12. Install LightSquid. Goto Status -> Proxy report and click on "Refresh all"

The sgerror.php file

include "";
include "";
$page_info = <<<EOD
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# SquidGuard error page generator
# (C)2006-2007 Serg Dvoriancev
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This programm processed redirection to specified URL or generated error page for standart HTTP error code.
# Redirection supported http and https protocols.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Format:
#        sgerror.php?url=[http://myurl]or[https://myurl]or[error_code[space_code]output-message][incoming SquidGuard variables]
# Incoming SquidGuard variables:
#        a=client_address
#        n=client_name
#        i=client_user
#        s=client_group
#        t=target_group
#        u=client_url
# Example:
#        sgerror.php?url=
#        sgerror.php?url=
#        sgerror.php?url=404%20output-message&a=..&n=..&i=..&s=..&t=..&u=..
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tags:
#        myurl and output messages can include Tags
#                [a] - client address
#                [n] - client name
#                [i] - client user
#                [s] - client group
#                [t] - target group
#                [u] - client url
# Example:
#         sgerror.php?url=401 Unauthorized access to URL [u] for client [n]
#      sgerror.php?url=http://my_error_page.php?cladr=%5Ba%5D&clname=%5Bn%5D // %5b=[ %d=]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special Tags:
#      blank     - get blank page
#        blank_img - get one-pixel transparent image (for replace banners and etc.)
# Example:
#        sgerror.php?url=blank
#        sgerror.php?url=blank_img
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

define('ACTION_URL', 'url');
define('ACTION_RES', 'res');
define('ACTION_MSG', 'msg');

define('TAG_BLANK',     'blank');
define('TAG_BLANK_IMG', 'blank_img');

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ?url=EMPTY_IMG
#      Use this options for replace baners/ads to transparent picture. Thisbetter for viewing.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NULL GIF file
# HEX: 47 49 46 38 39 61 - - -
# SYM: G  I  F  8  9  a  01 00 | 01 00 80 00 00 FF FF FF | 00 00 00 2C 00 00 00 00 | 01 00 01 00 00 02 02 44 | 01 00 3B
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
define(GIF_BODY, "GIF89a\x01\x00\x01\x00\x80\x00\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x2C\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x02\x44\x01\x00\x3B");

$url  = '';
$msg  = '';
$cl   = Array(); // squidGuard variables: %a %n %i %s %t %u
$err_code = array();

$err_code[301] = "301 Moved Permanently";
$err_code[302] = "302 Found";
$err_code[303] = "303 See Other";
$err_code[305] = "305 Use Proxy";

$err_code[400] = "400 Bad Request";
$err_code[401] = "401 Unauthorized";
$err_code[402] = "402 Payment Required";
$err_code[403] = "403 Forbidden";
$err_code[404] = "404 Not Found";
$err_code[405] = "405 Method Not Allowed";
$err_code[406] = "406 Not Acceptable";
$err_code[407] = "407 Proxy Authentication Required";
$err_code[408] = "408 Request Time-out";
$err_code[409] = "409 Conflict";
$err_code[410] = "410 Gone";
$err_code[411] = "411 Length Required";
$err_code[412] = "412 Precondition Failed";
$err_code[413] = "413 Request Entity Too Large";
$err_code[414] = "414 Request-URI Too Large";
$err_code[415] = "415 Unsupported Media Type";
$err_code[416] = "416 Requested range not satisfiable";
$err_code[417] = "417 Expectation Failed";

$err_code[500] = "500 Internal Server Error";
$err_code[501] = "501 Not Implemented";
$err_code[502] = "502 Bad Gateway";
$err_code[503] = "503 Service Unavailable";
$err_code[504] = "504 Gateway Time-out";
$err_code[505] = "505 HTTP Version not supported";

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# check arg's
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if (count($_POST)) {
    $url  = trim($_POST['url']);
    $msg  = $_POST['msg'];
    $cl['a'] = $_POST['a'];
    $cl['n'] = $_POST['n'];
    $cl['i'] = $_POST['i'];
    $cl['s'] = $_POST['s'];
    $cl['t'] = $_POST['t'];
    $cl['u'] = $_POST['u'];
elseif (count($_GET)) {
    $url  = trim($_GET['url']);
    $msg  = $_GET['msg'];
    $cl['a'] = $_GET['a'];
    $cl['n'] = $_GET['n'];
    $cl['i'] = $_GET['i'];
    $cl['s'] = $_GET['s'];
    $cl['t'] = $_GET['t'];
    $cl['u'] = $_GET['u'];
else {
       # Show 'About page'
        echo get_page(get_about());

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# url's
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($url) {
    $err_id = 0;

    // check error code
    foreach ($err_code as $key => $val) {
            if (strpos(strtolower($url), strval($key)) === 0) {
               $err_id = $key;

    # blank page
    if ($url === TAG_BLANK) {
            echo get_page('');
    # blank image
    elseif ($url === TAG_BLANK_IMG) {
           $msg = trim($msg);
           if(strpos($msg, "maxlen_") !== false) {
              $maxlen = intval(trim(str_replace("maxlen_", "", $url)));
              filter_by_image_size($cl['u'], $maxlen);
           else {
              # --------------------------------------------------------------
              # return blank image
              # --------------------------------------------------------------
              header("Content-Type: image/gif;"); //  charset=windows-1251");
              echo GIF_BODY;
    # error code
    elseif ($err_id !== 0) {
            $er_msg = strstr($_GET['url'], ' ');
            echo get_error_page($err_id, $er_msg);
    # redirect url
    elseif ((strpos(strtolower($url), "http://") === 0) or (strpos(strtolower($url), "https://") === 0)) {
            # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            # redirect to specified url
            # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            header("Location: $url", '', 302);
    // error arguments
    else {
        echo get_page("sgerror: error arguments $url");
else {
        echo get_page($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); //$url . implode(" ", $_GET));
#        echo get_error_page(500);

# ~~~~~~~~~~
# Exit
# ~~~~~~~~~~

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# functions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function get_page($body) {
        $str = Array();
        $str[] = '<html>';
        $str[] = "<body>\n$body\n</body>";
        $str[] = '</html>';
        return implode("\n", $str);

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# IE displayed self-page, if them size > 1024
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
function get_error_page($er_code_id, $err_msg='') {
        global $err_code;
        global $cl;
        global $g;
        global $config;
        $str = Array();

        header("HTTP/1.1 " . $err_code[$er_code_id]);

        $str[] = '<html>';
        $str[] = '<body>';
  if ($config['installedpackages']['squidguarddefault']['config'][0]['deniedmessage']) {
    $str[] = "<h3>{$config['installedpackages']['squidguarddefault']['config'][0]['deniedmessage']}: {$err_code[$er_code_id]}</h3>";
  } else {
    $str[] = "<h3>Request denied by {$g['product_name']} proxy: {$err_code[$er_code_id]}</h3>";
        if ($err_msg) $str[] = "<b> Reason: </b> $err_msg";
        $str[] = '<hr size="1" noshade>';
        if ($cl['a'])        $str[] = "<b> Client address: </b> {$cl['a']} <br>";
        if ($cl['n'])        $str[] = "<b> Client name:    </b> {$cl['n']} <br>";
        if ($cl['i'])        $str[] = "<b> Client user:    </b> {$cl['i']} <br>";
        if ($cl['s'])        $str[] = "<b> Client group:   </b> {$cl['s']} <br>";
        if ($cl['t'])        $str[] = "<b> Target group:   </b> {$cl['t']} <br>";
        if ($cl['u'])        $str[] = "<b> URL:            </b> {$cl['u']} <br>";
        $str[] = '<hr size="1" noshade>';
        $str[] = "</body>";
        $str[] = "</html>";

        return implode("\n", $str);

function get_about() {
        global $err_code;
        global $page_info;
        $str = Array();

        // about info
        $s = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $page_info);
        $str[] = $s;
        $str[] = "<br>";

        $str[] = '<table>';
        $str[] = ' <b>HTTP error codes (ERROR_CODE):</th></tr>';
        foreach($err_code as $val) {
                $str []= "<tr><td>$val";
        $str[] = '</table>';

        return implode("\n", $str);

function filter_by_image_size($url, $val_size) {

          # load url header
          $ch = curl_init();
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
          curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
          $hd = curl_exec($ch);

         $size = 0;
         $SKEY = "content-length:";
         $s_tmp = strtolower($hd);
         $s_tmp = str_replace("\n", " ", $s_tmp); # replace all "\n"
         if (strpos($s_tmp, $SKEY) !== false) {
             $s_tmp = trim(substr($s_tmp, strpos($s_tmp, $SKEY) + strlen($SKEY)));
             $s_tmp = trim(substr($s_tmp, 0, strpos($s_tmp, " ")));
             if (is_numeric($s_tmp))
                  $size = intval($s_tmp);
             else $size = 0;

         # === check url type and content size ===
         # redirect to specified url
         if (($size !== 0) && ($size < $val_size)) {
              header("Location: $url", '', 302);
         # return blank image
         else {
              header("Content-Type: image/gif;");
              echo GIF_BODY;